Tuesday, February 16, 2016

First Aid on the Misuse of Drugs Overdose

What is meant by drug abuse is the use of drugs that exceed the usage rules. This can lead to physical and psychological disorders, depending on the type of drugs taken.

The use of drugs can depress the central nervous system and brain activity. People whose bodies are affected by the drug showed extreme behavior from slow to hyperactive levels.

According to Stanley M. Zildo as quoted from his book entitled 'First Aid, How to Properly First Aid and Emergency', the use of the drug is injected into the body can be seen from the injection in the arm or other body members. Equipment used to use the drug can also be seen from the objects around it.

When they find the victim of a drug overdose, do the handling as follows:

1. Keep breathing path and do artificial respiration if necessary

2. Try to keep the victim woke up, use a cloth or a wet towel to wipe his face.

3. Encourage the victim to talk if possible. Ask drugs used and how much.

4. If the victim is still under the influence of drugs and his mouth was still visible remnants of drugs, remove with fingers to draw her to wear. Try to keep the victim not to choke.

5. If you feel unsafe situations, seek immediate paramedics.

First Aid on Diarrhea

Diarrhoea is a disorder in which the stool or feces turned into soft or liquid at least 3 times in 24 hours. There are many things that can cause diarrhea, such as food poisoning, eating certain foods, one taking medication, stress, alcohol, bacterial infections and others.

If the patient is still able to drink, then the fluids lost can be replaced. But if the patient does not want to drink and frequent vomiting, then rapidly lost body fluids and there will be symptoms of dehydration.

According to Stanley M. Zildo as quoted from his book entitled 'First Aid, How to Properly First Aid and Emergency', prolonged diarrhea can be fatal, especially if the baby suffered.

To deal with diarrhea, do first aid as follows:

1. Give plenty of water to replace fluids and body chemicals were missing. Drink fluids every 2 hours of approximately 2 ounces or 60 mL.

2. If the diarrhea lasts longer, for example, 1 -2 days and reduced the number and frequency of urination, immediately take the patient to the hospital due to possible dehydration.

3. Avoid solid foods.

Biting currently raging Want to Watch Funny Animals Video? this reason

Often find yourself exasperated at the sight of baby videos are funny and cute animals? Duuh felt like a bite. I wonder why?

 Set of pictures or videos are funny, cute and adorable often posted on the Internet. It turns out that like a lot. For example, video baby panda sneezing that makes shocked mother. A 16-second video that aired on YouTube, has been viewed about 219 million people.

Even some impressions on television made a compilation video funny behavior of the animals. Problem is, according to scientists, humans instinctively was attracted to the cute adorable features. Features like a baby, which has large eyes, chubby cheeks, large forehead and round face usually make most people interested.

"These features are very ingrained and made us want to respond," said psychologist from Yale, Oriana Aragon quoted by CNN.

Well, often the animals are considered funny to have such a feature: big eyes in the head with a small body. Therefore, when looking at the animals with features like that, make some people do the same reaction when dealing with babies.

When looking at funny cat videos, some people will feel swayed. Study finds pleasure centers in the brain are more active when a person sees something funny. The reason is the release of dopamine in the brain. According to researchers, this response was the same when someone eats sugar or sex.

"This is something that gives us pleasure," said Aragon.

But sometimes when looking for funny, some people are tempted to do something aggressive like pinching, biting, squeezing or tearing. Well, once Aragon and his team showed a number of pictures of animals such as elephants, ducks and cats in baby and adult versions. Participants viewed a picture while holding the plastic bubble (bubble wrap pack). It turned out that when he saw the baby of the beast, the participants pressed more bubbles in plastic packaging than when looking at the animals in the adult version.

Known to aggressive and semi aggressive behavior could be due to the effect of 'high-positive' of emotions that are very positive, where there is a feeling of almost losing control. Because it is a very reasonable man exasperated when he saw something funny, but do not take it out excessively.

Related pictures cute adorable, Japan has also been held study. Participants appear to have a higher concentration on his duties after looking at pictures of cute animals than after seeing pictures of food or other photos that are not funny. Hmm, when the decreased work productivity, improve morale can be tested by looking adorable cute photo for a moment.   


Difficult Kids Eat, How Adequate nutritional requirements?

For those of you who have children aged 1-10 years, will generally face the same problems. The little one is hard to eat when asked. There were only want to eat a little bit, there are picky, even some that do not want to eat. In fact, at that age, children need sufficient nutrients in order to grow and develop properly.

If a lack of nutrients, your child can experience interference intelligence, growth and endurance. The characteristics of intelligence disorders for example: trouble concentrating, quickly bored, not rigorous, frequent loss of goods and do not like to learn in a long time. This behavior can certainly interfere with his performance later at school.

Children who eat too difficult to be impaired growth. They are so hard to increase height and weight was not increasing. In addition, children are difficult to eat too often experience problems with their digestive system. Though digestion are the main fortress endurance.

When children less difficulty eating and nutrition, the effect they are so easy to fall ill. Eg, flu, cough and diarrhea are repeated. Children need macronutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats and micronutrients such as vitamins (A, C, D, E) and minerals (zinc, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron) to maintain his endurance.

To solve the problem of children are difficult to eat or picky eaters, there are several ways that you can try. First, choose a quiet place to eat so that no interference distract the child. Second, show a neutral stance. If the kids want / managed to eat, do not praise it. Likewise, when the child does not want to eat, not forced.

Third, introduce a new food every two weeks or once a month. Provide a consistent basis before introducing children to new foods more. Fourth, give children eat in certain intervals, for example every 3-4 hours. Then eating time limit, a maximum of 20-30 minutes.    

Monday, February 15, 2016

6 Activity Do If It Do not Want to Sleep Well Tonight

Nighttime is the time to relax and unwind after a busy day at work. But some people sometimes spend time in the evening to seek entertainment such as watching TV until late at night.

Without you knowing it, it can cause sleep disorders and will wake up with conditions that do not fit the next morning. Therefore, avoid 6 activity at night that can disrupt sleep, among others:

1. Watching TV
Makin night show on television will be more interesting that usually presents events for adults. But according to researchers at Pennsylvania, activity late night spent watching TV would take as much as 
2 hours or until half-time sleep.

This will cause a person to wake up late the next morning in an effort to compensate for reduced sleep time as a result of watching TV late at night. Experts advise to reduce the activity of the night and turn off all electronic devices including TVs, at least one hour before going to bed.

2. CallingPeople are busy working during the day, will usually greet each other with the closest people in the evening by phone. But a recent study found that cell phone radiation related to the effects that can disrupt a person's sleep.
People who have a habit of calling in a long time at night, reported more frequent headaches, difficulty sleeping, and poor sleep quality. Make a phone conversation only as needed in order not to diminish your sleeping hours.
3. Snacking midnightBesides being able to increase the weight, studies have found that midnight snacking has also been associated with poor sleep quality and more frequent waking. Snacks in the form of sugary foods can give you a jolt of energy that is not necessary, salty foods can make you hungry, and spicy foods can increase body temperature which disrupt the sleep cycle.
4. Browsing the InternetMost people still use the computer an hour before going to bed. Unfortunately, the artificial light that is emitted from the computer screen not only makes people feel more alert, but also can suppress the hormone that promotes sleep, melatonin.
As a result, you will have less hours of sleep and wake up tired bodies. Do not read e-mail, news, or browsing when the late night and early shut down the computer before bed.
5. Drinking coffee or an aperitifResearchers from Stanford University found that caffeine had a significant negative impact on a person's sleep patterns. In addition, researchers from Ireland recently noted that drinking alcoholic beverages have a considerable impact on the amount of sleep time.
If you want to drink something that taste before going to sleep, it is better to drink low-fat milk is warm rather than switching on the coffee or alcoholic beverages that it will interfere with sleep.
6. Lighting house is too bright at nightAccording to a study, excessive exposure to light at night may inhibit the production of the sleep hormone (melatonin) and increase the production of stress hormones (cortisol). Dim the lights of our house the night wore on and turn off the room lights before you go to bed.

Occasional Snacking Night Turns out there Benefits

Many believe that snacking at night will make one's body into a fat and disproportionate. That is why if not forced, people are reluctant to eat anything at night.

Though it's not necessarily true. In fact, a recent study found four main reasons why the occasional snack or meal in the evening it was legitimate as quoted from Menshealth, below.

1. Build muscle
A research published in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise in 2011, a team of Dutch researchers found that consuming casein (milk protein dominates) after exercising at night and 30 minutes before bedtime can increase protein synthesis in men. That is helping him establish his muscles in bed.

2. Accelerate metabolism
According to a study from Florida State University, when a healthy man eating snacks at night containing protein or carbohydrate (150 calories) then their resting metabolic rate will be higher in the morning than not eat anything before going to bed.

Resting metabolic rate (RMR) is the minimal energy requirement needed someone to run processes vital body.

3. Not easy to hungry
Snack before bed will actually make you can not easily hungry in the morning and increase the level of satiety at meals the next day. This was stated by a team of researchers from Florida State University.
Regardless of the type of food does not matter, but try to choose protein foods as it will help you build muscle.
4. Lose weight
In this case the question is eating cereal at night. Because a study from Wayne State University suggests that people who eat cereal before bed to lose about 2 pounds or one kilogram of weight in four weeks, while those who did not eat cereal only lost 0.5 pounds, or 0.22 kilograms.

Diet Seafood, Habits That Can Make Snacking Increases Interest

It's hard to resist the urge pinch snacks such as crisps, biscuits or cakes often complained of the people who are trying to lose weight. If you've experienced it, try storing comestible potentially add weight in a special cupboard away from the eye.

Researchers from Cornell University Food and Brand found that certain snacks with high calories will be easier to take someone when the product is easily visible. For this reason, researchers say the term 'see-food diet'.

"Seafood diet is a term in which you consume food that you see. Although, at that time you do not want to eat them even had enough. But since the food was located on the kitchen table and you repeatedly through it, chances are you'll eat it," said author The main study of Brian Wansink, professor and director of the Cornell Food and Brand lab.

In this study, researchers photographed 200 kitchen in Syracuse, New York to see there a relationship position foods with weight women who lived in the house. As a result, women with cereals presented at the kitchen table weighing 9 kg more than those who do not put the cereal on her desk.

As soon as they were put Pula on soft drinks at her kitchen table, weighing 10-11 kg more. The interesting thing, said Wansink, on their serving of fruit on the kitchen table, his weight 5 kg less known. Researchers in this study assumes that the design of the kitchen cabinets for storing food also plays an important role.

In response to this, Nina Crowley, dietitian and bariatric surgery at the Medical University of South Carolina, said when people repeatedly saw a food, hence the desire to eat food that is greater. Crowley likened, there is a 'gravity' caused when you see the food.

"If we deliberately make candy, cereal, soda, chips, or other high-calorie snacks readily visible to the eye, do not be surprised if the desire to eat snacks that appear. Thus, it is important to hide snacks like it," Crowley told CBS.

According to Crowley, the study at least let you know that messages like 'dressing biskuti with fruit' or 'avoid snacks from the kitchen cabinets are easily seen' would be more effective than advice 'do not snacking at all'. In other words, the selection of foods available at home or work environment plays an important role in maintaining body weight.

"When we want to maintain or lose weight, people often think should undertake massive changes. In fact, by removing eyes from looking at a variety of snacks can bring a change in your habits," said Crowley.       

Messy kitchen Push Snacking Habits Unhealthy Food

A study conducted by researchers at the Cornell Food and Brand Lab saw their patterns of association between environmental factors with a person's attitude towards food choices. In this case the tendency of a person to consume more food when the kitchen of his house a mess.

Study leader Brian Wansink said it was discovered after researchers conduct experiments to 100 female participants. They were divided into two groups and asked to do an assignment to write an essay in-room kitchen which has been supplied complete with snacks in it.

One group of tasks in a cluttered kitchen while the other group tasks in the kitchen more organized. In the kitchen messy desks are not neat, piles of paper everywhere, and laundry piled up.

When participants finish writing an essay is divided into three topics (bad experience, good experience, and neutral), they were then seen eating pattern snack. There are three main snack so attention is cakes, crackers, and carrot.

The result is known participants essay bad experience in a kitchen that berantakkan eat more cake with an average total calories reached 103. While it is still in the same kitchen, participants essay good experience eating a snack with an average total calories 38.

In the group who do the work in the kitchen clean is recorded that they total less eating a snack. In participants who writes essays for example their bad experience on average consume 61 calories while writing a good experience on average consume 50 calories.

According to Wansink said in a report in the journal Environment and Behavior study further proves that the urge someone to make healthy food choices can be influenced by the mindset and also the environment. Thus trying to set one of these factors can also affect the success of a diet program.

"It's easier to spend 5 minutes to clean the kitchen than 24 hours should refrain for not eating a snack," concluded Wansink was quoted as saying by Reuters on Monday (15/02/2016).      

Sunday, February 14, 2016

This effect Toothless When Left Alone

Some people who lost their permanent teeth may be lazy to make dentures. If the tooth is left toothless, is there any impact?

If the missing tooth is left unchecked, will make long bones will be exhausted and flat. As a result, the surface of the gums and tongue will be the same flat.

The impact of the surface of the gums and tongue flat is the inability to eat solid food like meat. Not only that, the more impact by far is indigestion caused by foods that are not chewed first and immediately swallowed.

Prior to the conditions, must immediately attach dentures to replace teeth loose. Initially it was not convenient, but can be consulted to the dentist who made it to be adjusted.

Well, for the use of dentures, drg Laura reminded to keep the dentures and oral hygiene. Useless dong when it made nice-nice at the dentist kept only briefly already uncomfortable. Therefore, dentures also need to be kept clean.

Care of dentures is not really much different from the original tooth. Especially for dentures removable plug itself, once upon a time need be rested.    

Importance Of A Joy for Children Cancer Patients

Children clear most of the time should have been spent to play and learn with peers. However, it may be difficult to obtain for a child who has cancer.

The incidence of childhood cancer will greatly affect not only the patient but also the entire family. It is important to ensure that children can enjoy her childhood as normal as possible.

Stress is not just a problem for adults only. For pediatric patients with cancer of stress can have a negative impact is worse because it can reduce the body's immunity further.

It will be very long like grief when caring for pediatric cancer patients. From the little they have to stay in the hospital losing their childhood because they have a regular check or sometimes in contact with the side effects of chemo.

Therefore, at the center of child cancer so advanced as in RS Dharmais, in the treatment of childhood cancer that there is a small school with activities. So that the child can follow the activities he should do as a kid.

Childhood cancer when compared with other types of cancers of all age groups including a bit. When detected early, and faced with treatment and good care, the chances of recovery are also great.


Without Shampooing Use Shampoo, Hair and Scalp is healthy?

The use of shampoo can not get away from cleaning the hair. Although, now began to appear thought if wearing shampoo, especially those containing cleaning agents it will remove the natural oils in the hair healthy. But, if the way it is really healthy for the hair and scalp?

"Depending on the type of your scalp. This method can not be applied to everyone. In fact, there are several types of hair that can tolerate or do require cleaning materials in the shampoo," said Dr. Angela Lamb, director of Westside Mount Sinai Dermatology in New York City, quoted by Medical Xpress.

Lamb argues, the trend is 'no poo' or not using shampoo is actually referring to how to avoid the use of shampoo with cleaning materials. If you want to do that, Lamb has other suggestions to make homemade shampoo at home by using a mixture of baking soda or apple cider vinegar for example.

Disclosed Lamb, the true hair is made of protein. In every single hair roots are oil glands which serves as a 'coat' hair and protects hair that are not easily fragile. Another rationale behind the movement 'no poo' which dengen maintain hair's natural oils, it does not need styling hair.

"If you do not do the styling of the hair, then you do not need to wash your hair. Instead, when you often use hair products such as gel, mousse, or hair spray, then you should regularly mengeramasi hair," said Dr. Lisa Donofrio, professor of clinical dermatology at Yale University School of Medicine.

However, there are other reasons why someone should use a shampoo with cleaning materials regularly. It said Dr. Robert Dorin, a hair transplant surgeon in New York City, scalp under the hair needs to be cleaned regularly from oil, dried sweat, dirt, and dead skin cells.

By washing the hair without wearing a shampoo, then cleaning the scalp can not be maximized. Precisely that happened risk of fungal and bacterial infections increase, plus the risk of scalp irritation, flaking, and appears acne is also greater.

"Shampooing with a shampoo containing cleaning agents can also help control and treat scalp problems such as eczema, psoriasis, and dandruff. But, there are no standards when and how often you need to wash it. For a shampoo used, adjust to the conditions of the scalp and aktivtas you , "said Dorin advised.