Saturday, February 13, 2016

Never Silent, Soon Do About It When Viewing People sat down

Sat down to have a myriad of risks that is quite dangerous. Therefore, when you inadvertently see someone experienced it, you can help in the following ways.

There are several things that can be done in people who have sat down.

First check the victim consciousness. After that, pay attention to the body anywhere who bumped. Observe whether there is severe bleeding. If the victim is still in a conscious, ask whether the pain and where the location of the pain.

Then monitor is there to muscle weakness, numbness or tingling feel. And immediately taken to the doctor to make sure there a problem that threatens further. Try to restricted movement of victims first. Usually when sat down on the nerve, the victim will complain of symptoms typical.

Usually characterized by tingling, pain radiating, in which the weight can cause leg weakness and autonomic nerve disorders such can not control urination and defecation.

When there are no neurological symptoms as mentioned, then encourage the victim to rest, give pain medication and vitamin B. If there is a nerve disorder should immediately go to a neurologist to make sure there is not anything dangerous.

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