For those of you who have children aged 1-10 years, will generally face the same problems. The little one is hard to eat when asked. There were only want to eat a little bit, there are picky, even some that do not want to eat. In fact, at that age, children need sufficient nutrients in order to grow and develop properly.
If a lack of nutrients, your child can experience interference intelligence, growth and endurance. The characteristics of intelligence disorders for example: trouble concentrating, quickly bored, not rigorous, frequent loss of goods and do not like to learn in a long time. This behavior can certainly interfere with his performance later at school.
Children who eat too difficult to be impaired growth. They are so hard to increase height and weight was not increasing. In addition, children are difficult to eat too often experience problems with their digestive system. Though digestion are the main fortress endurance.
When children less difficulty eating and nutrition, the effect they are so easy to fall ill. Eg, flu, cough and diarrhea are repeated. Children need macronutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats and micronutrients such as vitamins (A, C, D, E) and minerals (zinc, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron) to maintain his endurance.
To solve the problem of children are difficult to eat or picky eaters, there are several ways that you can try. First, choose a quiet place to eat so that no interference distract the child. Second, show a neutral stance. If the kids want / managed to eat, do not praise it. Likewise, when the child does not want to eat, not forced.
Third, introduce a new food every two weeks or once a month. Provide a consistent basis before introducing children to new foods more. Fourth, give children eat in certain intervals, for example every 3-4 hours. Then eating time limit, a maximum of 20-30 minutes.
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